Harrington Fall Festival
Fun Run | Pancake Breakfast | Parade | BBQ Lunch | Alumni | Vendors | Bingo | Raffle
Around town:
FFA Pancake Feed at the Memorial Hall 8am - 10am
Golf Course Opens 8am
Huff N Puff Fun Run 9am
Parade 11am
Opera House Rummage Sale/Tours 9am - 3pm
Stone Road Spirits Distillery open TBD
Electric Hotel Comedy Show (ticketed event) 5pm - 7pm
Wagner Building Beer Garden opens TBD
At the Park:
Homemakers Pie Sale noon until sold out
Vendors 11am - 3pm
Lions Club BBQ Lunch noon - 3pm
Alumni Gathering noon - 3pm
Bingo 1pm - 3pm
Raffle Drawings 3pm