advertise with us
Catch the readers' attention with an eye-catching display ad.
We accept camera-ready artwork, or will happily create an ad for you. Camera-ready artwork should be in a PDF or JPEG format, at a resolution of at least 300 DPI, and may be uploaded via the "send us an ad" button below.
We will do our best to accommodate requests for front page placement on a first come, first served basis. Ads may be placed on the front page every week, as space allows, for an additional fee of $5.00 and up.
Ad rate is $11.50 per column inch. We offer a 10% discount for print ready ads, ads for non-profit or charitable events, and when an ad repeats with minimal changes. We are here to help promote your business, sale, or event! For more information, please contact us at or call 509-725-8007.
Classified ads may be purchased for $9.25 for the first fifteen words and 15¢ for each additional word. Add $5.00 for photo, logo, or color background
The deadline is Friday at 3:30 PM each week for classified and smaller display ads. Deadline may be earlier on holiday weekends.
Quarter-page ads or larger should be submitted as early as possible to ensure that space is available. Print ready ads may be submitted at deadline. For ads requiring set-up and proof, submission on Thursday prior to publication is appreciated. Space for half page ads must be reserved one week prior to publish date, full pages ad space must be reserved two weeks in advance of publish date.